About Us

Our ministry was born with a deep desire to glorify God and build up His people. We began around 1999 or 2000 by organizing family camps, where Christian families could strengthen their ties, grow in faith, and enjoy moments of fellowship in an environment dedicated to honoring the Lord. These first steps were fundamental in laying the foundation for what our ministry is today.

In 2003, God opened a new door by giving us the opportunity to organize our first youth camp. This event marked a before and after in our vision and mission. Over the years, we have seen how God has used these camps to touch lives in profound ways, allowing us to witness spiritual miracles, decisions of faith, and renewed commitments to His work.

One of the greatest testimonies of God’s faithfulness in this ministry is the transformation of the young people who have attended. Many of them have been saved by His grace, while others have surrendered their lives to the service of God. Today, some of these young people serve as youth ministry leaders, worship musicians, or pastors who impact their communities with the Gospel message.

Throughout this journey, we have seen the hand of God guiding us at every step, allowing us to form a solid, united and committed work team for the cause of Christ. Our team is a reflection of His grace, made up of people passionate about serving and proclaiming His truth.

We move forward with faith and hope, trusting that God will continue to use this ministry for His glory. Every camp, every event, and every effort is focused on one purpose: to exalt Christ, build up His church, and equip the next generation to serve Him with passion and commitment. We are grateful for what He has done so far and excited about what He has in store for the future.

We invite you to be part of this story of faith and dedication, and together let us continue to advance in the work of the Lord. God is working, and it is a privilege to serve Him!